
Viajero (Traveller) En Cartagena Photo Journal
Photo journal of Cartagena, Colombia. Gallery Project: #Cartagena Journey 1: 11dec21 - 26dec21 Journey 2: 15mar22 - 03apr22

Viajero (Traveller) En Pavones Photo Journal
Photo journal of Pavones, Costa Rica. Gallery Project: #Pavones Journey: 05oct21 - 27nov21 #pavones 27 photograph by: Andy

Viajero (Traveller) En Bocas Del Toro Photo Journal
Photo journal of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Gallery Project: #BocasDelToro Journey: 21dec20 - 04oct21

Everything We Are Is On The Line
The appearance of SARS-CoV-2, a submicroscopic particle of genetic material contained in a protein coat, is by many orders of magnitude more than a rarely ever seen extraordinary feat of nature, and in turn its contagion effect on humanity, the Great Covid-19...

Panama #ViajeroEnPanama (#TravellerInPanama) Post-Quarantine Photo Journal
Panama photo journal post Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown. Gallery Project: #ViajeroEnPanama (#TravellerInPanama) Journey: 07aug20 - 20dec20

World Wide Peace
Peace. Peace for me. Peace for you. Peace for everyone. Peace. Peace now. Peace here. Peace there. Peace everywhere. Peace. Peace is wisdom. Peace is joy. Peace is love. Peace. Peace is harmony. Peace is freedom. Peace is life. Peace. Stand for peace. Unite for peace....

Panama #QuedateEnCasa (#ShelterInPlace) Photo Journal
Panama photo journal during Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown: Panama City (images 1 to 145) and San Carlos (images 146 to 183). Gallery Project: #QuedateEnCasa (#ShelterInPlace) Journey: 14mar20 - 06aug20

Viajero (Traveller) In Panama #QuedateEnCasa (#ShelterInPlace)
After living in hotel suite number 304 for thirty four days, the logistics I am to follow in order to move to a new apartment this afternoon involve a detailed coordination, a somewhat complex operation, that consists of protective gear, a Panamanian concierge, a taxi...

Viajero (Traveller) In Panama
I am to arrive in Panama City in about an hour. But as I am thinking about this trip, this adventure, I find myself with mixed feelings about the last eight days exploring Panama, a place where Commander Thomas O. Selfridge, back in 1870, was appointed by Secretary of...

Blue House Studio (2014-2018)
On Molesworth Drive, just a few steps away from the shops. Hidden from view but with the best view of the Pacific Ocean. Mangawhai Heads, New Zealand. Project: CzrArt Studios